Comments for Dying to know about a Tel Aviv Beach?

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Mar 13, 2019
Beautiful Appolonia beach in a Tel Aviv suburb
by: Ayelet of Go-TelAviv

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks for your inquiry. You have a great memory!

In fact, just north of Tel Aviv in a suburb called Herzliya is a beautiful beach known as Appolonia or Arsuf.

It has a long history and was settled by the Phoenicians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Byzantines, Arabs and the Crusaders!

And that fortress that you remember are the remains of a Crusader fortress and citadel. Its been excavated since you've been there and you can explore the fascinating remnants that are now part of an archaeological park.

Here are two pictures to jog your memory. Enjoy!

A view of the sea from Apollonia the fortress on the beach in northern Herzliya

Crusader ruins at Apollonia  beach in northern Herzliya

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